I wanted to gather some information and get to everyone, some of the good afternoon/twilight deals for the Summer at the better courses around our area, the Tidewater of Virginia.
First up, is the 2 courses at Bay Creek on the Eastern Shore. The drive is well worth it as these courses are always in fantastic shape:
Twilight Rate-55.00 for 18 w/cart
Sunday and Monday after 12pm
Tuesday through Saturday after 2pm

Next, a very under valued Cypress Point, which at one point a few years ago, was talking about going private. This course is in great shape and a very nice lay out. A lot of condos and house, but they really don't intrude into the the course:
Cypress Point Rates Click Here for: Tournament Packages
Monday through Friday
Local Resident Non-Resident Guest of Member
6 am - 9 am $30 $30 $30
9 am - 1 pm $39 $45 $33
1 pm - 3 pm $35 $35 $33
3 pm until Close $33 $33 $33
9 holes $23 $25 $23
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays
Local Resident Non-Resident Guest of Member
6 am until 1 pm $49 $58 $42
1 pm until Close $35 $35 $35
9 holes after 1pm $27 $27 $27

Hell's Point, always a locals favorite and always in tip top shape. The course is worth many rounds in a summer:
Twilight rate: after 12pm everyday: 39.00

Another under rated club in the are, I guess due to it's location and usually a long drive for most, Nansemond River Golf Club. Along the James river, great scenery, and an awesome layout.
Weekday Twilight Rate: After 12pm 29.00
Weekend Twilight Rate: After 12pm 39.00

River Front, another course along the James River, and always in great shape. Again, the drive from the Beach area is long, but well worth it:
Twilight (Weekdays) (After 2 PM) $35.00
Twilight (Weekends & Holidays 1pm - 3 PM $47.00
Twilight (Weekends & Holidays after 3 PM 37.00

One of my favorite local courses, the Signature at West Neck. Now this course defines good greens keeping and conditions. A must play if you come to Virginia Beach, and not a long ride from the resort area.
Twilight Rate: After 3pm everyday 49.00 (also GPS in carts)

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