"Here's to you, Golf Trip Coordinator of many golfers for a golf trip," I can hear the unsung hero's song playing on the radio from Budweiser. If you ever have set up a group golf trip, small or large, you know exactly what I mean. Here are a few tips I use to help set up my groups, which have ranged from 12 people, to this year's 52 person Myrtle Beach Trip.
Start planning a date early:
Setting a date that multiple can all get off for and agree upon is tough, the more you have, the earlier you need to start. I take into effect teachers getting off from school, my Budweiser guys who can't miss work on a holiday week, or the week before or after. My trip dates are usually in mid June, so I start getting dates out to the guys by Christmas time, and follow up after New Years.
Come up with a suitable price point for your group:
Price points are crucial for your group, knowing the range people are willing to pay is most important, especially in trying economic times. Last Summer trip for us was 355.00 a person (playing all premium, best of Myrtle courses) and this years is 282.00 a person. It enabled me to get more people, and let every feel comfortable.

Set up the Deposit date and Finial Payment Date fast!:
I set my deposit date 3 months before the trip, for the simple fact to ensure a total group count, and help spread the payment out for my guys, so there is plenty of time to pay. It feels a heck of a lot better to get 100.00 off the total payment out of the way months before the finial is due, doesn't sting as much, and easier to get the wife's OK!
Organize your trip:
I know the trip deposit is going to be a flat 100.00 dollars if the trip cost 200, or 500, so I get the deposits going as soon as possible. January I contact my golf provider to start fleshing out a golf trip, based on what price range I want to be in. I check many different ones, but I always go back to Barbie Chestnutt at Beach Vacations. The level of service and value she provides a bothersome Trip Captain like myself is invaluable. We work on the courses, what packages are up and may save us money, and she works about 5 different quotes up. I then look them over, study the courses, read reviews, check out the courses site and make a decision on 2 different ones. From there, I send the e-mail out about the package to our 120 plus people, and see who is ready to go for which one. I make my pick very quick.
Between Deposit and Finial Payment:
I use this time to finalize the trip list, making sure we are foursomes, add people if someone has to drop out, check course conditions, aeration, and any last minute course switches. I make sure there is no stone unturned, rooms, course, speak with the head pros and introduce myself, etc.
Get those Finial Payments In:
No matter how hard I try, someone is always late with a deposit and finial payment, I just keep hounding them. I suggest you collection all the money, and paying to the company yourself (golf provider). It lets you know where you are at, at all times payment wise, with out bugging your Barbie to death. It also provides you with all those credit card points, spent over 14,000 dollars on this trip, that's a lot of points!
Get those Driving/Riding Assignments done:
I ask who wants to drive, and I just start putting like minded people in cars, vans and trucks. We meet at a central point at 5:30am, and go. I have already been run through the mill at this point, so I try not stress out about the driving, I suggest you do not either.
Last Minute Follow Up:
I speak with Barbie(golf provider) a couple week before the trip, making sure all loose ends are tied up. Condos near each other, Golf Voucher at the first course, since we drive straight in and play, make sure you have all the passes and freebies they provide to clubs and food spots, and get her cell number in case anything goes wrong. Then go have fun.
Tips to Remember:
I contact the pros at each course, introduce myself, tell them about my group and always ask to meet him. Connections are great, over the years we have gotten free food in the club house, free replays, course score cards and yardage books mailed to us, even a round of drinks with the pro before. trust me, they want your business, and it's their job to make you happy, and want to come back. They are like the club's social director.
For every 20 people, you should get 1 free trip from the golf provider. If you don't, you are getting ripped off, big time. Make sure you ask up front.
I don't try and set tee times for the people, most of us go out, so when we get there, I just get people out on the course based upon who's there and ready, don't hold the starter and the pro shop waiting for someone late in the first group, very rude and throws them off.
Lastly, try and have FUN!!
And it always helps to have a very organized Golf Leader who continues to make me laugh on a weekly basis.........oh I forgot we were talking about John Barry, that would be on a daily basis! LOL - Thank you sir!
ReplyDeleteBarbie Chestnut
Golf Director
Beach Vacations