Be sure to check out the Rock Heads at their Blog also:
Hey there! Scratch the Caveman here. Welcome to The Cave! So you want to know a little bit more about Rock Bottom Golf do you? Well then you asked the right Caveman.
I specialize in selling discount, brand name golf gear at the lowest prices on the web. I've got everything a golfer could possibly need! Clubs, bags, balls, accessories,'s ALL at The Cave! The majority of products at Rock Bottom are brand spankin' new and in their original packaging.
On top of that, I waste no time in getting our customers their much needed golf gear. Most packages ship within one business day of purchase. In fact, if a customer buys before noon (EST) then their package is shipping THAT DAY!
Finally, my team is ALWAYS around to take questions from customers and help finalize that sale to make sure they're coming back from more.
# So to review quickly, my goal is to Always Have The LOWEST Prices On Golf Gear
# Get The Customer Their Gear ASAP
# And Keep The Customer Happy So They Always Come Back For More!
I know, sounds crazy right? These three simple rules help me to continue to grow our website even in these tough financial times. You heard right, is UP compared to it's numbers in 2008. And I want YOU to help us grow even more!
"So Scratch, what do I get out of this?" you might be asking? Well that a good question and an easy one to answer! Every time someone clicks one of my ads on your site, I'm giving you 7% of each sale from that customer within the next 15 days. On top of that, I'll be sure to keep you up to date on all the latest and greatest offers from Rock Bottom Golf so you can fine tune your site with the perfect ad to fit your customers.
The only thing this Caveman asks in return is that you stick to the ads we provide you when advertising on your site. Any ads on or directing people to your site that have not been approved by myself or the Cave Crew could result in immediate dismissal from our affiliate program. Hey, a Caveman has to protect his Cave, right?
So let's get sellin' and start a long term relationship that benefits you, me and ALL of our customers! See you at The Cave!
Your Favorite Golfin' Caveman

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