Here is the information on forming a Virginia State Golf Association Golf Club. At the bare minimum we will have a way to officially track our handicaps, discounted golf cards for everyone and another way to use our groups power in getting the best rates for all our members and all our trips, big or small.:
VSGA Recreational Golf Clubs (Form or Join)
Any group of 10 or more people who share a passion for the game can form their own VSGA Recreational Golf Club.
Each prospective new club must fill out an APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP and return it to the VSGA office along with a copy of its BYLAWS (sample bylaws attached) a club roster, as well as a check for $230, which represents annual club dues ($50) and fees ($18 per person) for the club’s first 10 members. Additional per member pricing of $18 per golfer per year applies.
Please reply back to me, and lets get the ball rolling with ten people.
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