Thanks to Vice President Ross Hampton for putting the Game Lone Wolf into easy to understand terms, so we may all enjoy the game as we play. For his help, Ross has won a Ben Hogan, 9.5 degree driver from The Golfer's Trip, way to go Ross!

Now we're talking!
Ok, at the first tee you set the order- the old toss the tee in the air trick is the method of choice.
You will keep this order throughout the round (i.e. no "honors"). You will just rotate teeing off first through this order for each hole. First hole: A,B,C,D Second hole: B,C,D,A Third Hole: C,D,A,B and so on.
The guy who tees off first is the Wolf. He will pick his partner for the hole, and he will do so after that player tees off. The catch is, the wolf cannot pick a partner once the next player down the line has teed off. So if player A hits, then watches B tee off, he must choose B as his partner BEFORE C tees off. If he decides to not choose a partner (or all the tee balls suck) he will then declare Lone Wolf and is required to howl at the sky.
You play a best ball format (low ball) and it is your "team" vs. the team of the remaining 2 players. Of course if you go Lone Wolf it is your ball vs. the other 3 guys' low ball.
So let's say A picks B to be on his team and one of them shoots a par; C and D can manage only a bogey, so both A and B get a point/dot on the score card.
Lone Wolf doubles the point value if you can pull it off. So if you go Lone Wolf and win, you get 2 points. Lose, and the other 3 get a point.
At the end you add up each players total points, figure out the difference and pay accordingly (usually $1 a point is reasonable)
Thanks Ross!! In his next installment, he will be giving us the rules for Scat, for club house play after a round or if you get rained out and don't want to go home!
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