Can you introduce yourself to the readers and tell us about yourself?
My full name is Jamie Dean Smith, age 47. I am from San Diego CA. I grew up as a competitive Surfer on the west coast and in Hawaii. I am retired from the US Air Force and my wife is currently a 04 in the Navy as a Nurse Practitioner. I am a 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and a former instructor.
You are a PGA certified golf instructor; tell us a little bit about your lessons and your style of teaching.
I did not start golfing until the age of 27. On my first round, I birdied the 18th hole and was hooked. I got into the business while we were stationed in Hawaii. I first worked at the Mamala Bay Golf course at Hickam AFB. My mentor there told me that I would not pass the Players Ability Test until I am a three handicap. He was correct. I finished the 6-year education program in 2 years.
Other instructors have asked me many times, who’s system I follow. The answer I always give is no ones system. I treat each student as an individual and based what they are trying to accomplish I will choose the best procedures for them. That is usually the answer they are looking for and my students tend to agree. I use Video when needed to see in slow motion what I may miss at full speed. This is also good to show a student what they are doing that they may not realize.
Where do you give your lessons at?
I currently am a Sole Proprietorship (Jamie Smith Golf Instruction) at Lynnhaven Golf Park on Holland Road. I also am the only PGA instructor at the Ocean View Golf Course in Norfolk.
You are also active in the community with local golf tournaments, and I spoke to you about mine, and you offered a unique prize, can you explain.
Many golf outings go out and look for sponsors that can give products or money. I am not in that type of position. I do however have time that I can give.
I donate a lesson to each member of the loosing team as a gift certificate in trade for placing my business card in each grab bag that is usually handed out.
You are also on staff at Adams Golf, can you explain what you do for them?
I am on staff with Adams Golf for the woods and Irons and on Cleveland for the wedges.
They provide me with fitting clubs to custom fit golfers. I have an account with them just like the golf shops to order direct from the factory. I may also have Taylor Made soon.
I find much easier to teach when a student is properly fitted in a proper set of clubs for their level.
Adams Golf is a respective name in golf, where do you see the company heading in the next few years?
If you look at the, what’s in the bag stats for each tournament you will see that they have their Hybrid clubs in more bags than any other on all the tours. Their quality control is as good as anything out there and I see them doing very well in the future.
If there is one piece of Adams Golf equipment you would like to speak on and recommend, what would it be?
They have a new driver out that is very good. They have a three wood that compliments it as well.
Tell us a little bit about your years in working in the golf industry:
I have worked at both indoor facilities and green grass. Both gave me great experience. In both cases, I felt bound by the rules of the organization that I worked for. Now that I have my own business I have much more flexibility to do things that work much better for me as well as for my students. In total, I have worked in the industry for 6 years and have been golfing for 20.
What is your favorite course locally and then what is your favorite you played world wide?
I have only been here two years so I have yet to play some of the really nice tracks but so far my favorite was probably Bayville. The most beautiful and most difficult course had to be Ko’o Lau in Hawaii.
I have met you several times and I know the answer, but what sets you apart from all the other PGA Pros giving lessons locally?
I would think most of us are pretty well trained to teach a golf swing, but what makes a great teacher is being able to build a relationship. I feel we need to get to know the person and not just the person’s swing. Unlike most, I was an instructor in the military and in the martial arts, which gave me a good foundation for the game of golf.
Any specials you would like to offer up for people who read this on the web site?
Although I may offer the occasional holiday special, my continuous offer of four lessons for the price of $150.00 is better than most in the area.
I also do not charge for club fittings as most others do. I expect that if I do a good fitting, they will trust that I am also going to get them the appropriate product.
Thanks for your time Jamie, any last words for us?
I love the game enough to want to share the things that I have learned, to hopefully give the golfer the best chance to have a good experience on the golf course.
Thank you for the opportunity to share my experience.
Jamie Smith, PGA
Jamie Smith Golf Instruction

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