Let's take a look at their on-line fitting tool. Easy to use, and very accurate, it helps create a better fit and and a better game for you.
The First page, getting your basic distance with a 5 iron (for iron fitting) or Driver (for Driver fitting):
After choosing driver, distance 200-224 yards, a fast swing tempo, it recommends a Regular Flex.
The Next Page is Grip Size:
Three questions here, 1: "I hold my club in my hand?" you can choose either finger tips or palm. Picked palm. 2: Hand Size, measured is 8 inches and 3: Longest Finger: 3.25 inches. There is a visual chart to show what measurements you need to do and how to do them.
It recommends a Mid Size Grip.
Last section is Shaft Size:
Questions, Male or Female, Height and what shaft you want, steel or graphite.
Based on my answers, a standard shaft length is recommended.
The Last Page is a printable summary for your records.
An easy on-line fit, so go ahead and try and make some customs clubs for a better game today!
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